Sunday, December 2, 2012

The Spin Cycle

I had a pastor friend in Oregon who liked to call this time of year the "spin cycle."  Like the washing machine when it starts to spin faster and faster, you have to make sure things are in balance or the machine will start banging and crashing.  Advent is like that.  There are so many things to get done it is easy to get out of balance and start banging your head against a wall--and that's no way to prepare for Christmas, is it?
So each and every year we vow to not get so busy this year.  Keep it simple is the rule.  But then there are so many parties and concerts to go to, how can it not be busy?
Perhaps what we need to do is stay focused in the midst of the busyness.  Try to see the purpose of the busyness.  For example, make shopping a time of gratitude for the loved ones in your life.  Make parties a time to treasure old friends and make new ones.  Let the music of the season enter your heart at concerts and on the radio.  Try an alternative gift from our "Advent Conspiracy" program.  These are some ways that even a long to-do list can have meaning and purpose.
I'm looking forward to my first Advent and Christmas season with you.  It is a special time of year.  I'm so thankful for all the children in our church.  What would Advent be without children?
I'm off now to our Family Fun Night where we will make Advent wreaths and begin the Advent journey together.  After a great worship service this morning with communion, I can't think of a better way to end the first Sunday of Advent.
Enjoy the spin cycle!
Pastor Dale

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