Friday, June 29, 2012

musical office

As I sit in the pastor's study and work on my computer, prepare a sermon, or look out the window; I am often accompanied by organ music from the sanctuary.  Often it is soft and beautiful as it is right now.  Other times it is loud and powerful as it was yesterday (Terry is practicing a patriotic medley for the postlude on Sunday).

Leave for General Assembly 
Elisabeth and I are going to Pittsburgh to observe GA.  We want to attend committee meetings on Israel/Palestine as we have been active in peacemaking for years.  The Presbytery of Hudson River is hosting a dinner on Tuesday night that we will attend and meet some of our colleagues.  We will go through Erie on the way home and check on our house, which has not sold yet--please pray for that!

Summer Sunday School Sermon Series.
I've heard from some members who would like to hear sermons on Old Testament stories like Caleb and Joshua and the spies; and Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego and the fiery furnace.  There may be room for one more ‘favorite.’  Let me know.

Thursday, June 21, 2012

I am finally a blogger.  We have been in the manse of the Presbyterian Church of Mt. Kisco, NY for two weeks now.  In some ways it seems much longer, but in other ways it doesn't seem real yet.
We have had many experiences since we arrived and one of the things I want to do on this blog is share some highlights.  I'll list them in bullet-point form so you can skim over them quickly.  But as you can see, it has been an eventful two weeks.

  • Arrived in the middle of the famous rummage sale!  We should have backed our truck up to the church and gotten rid of half our stuff.  Actually, we did donate a few items that sold (and we bought a few of our own).
  • Enjoyed worship in the park for our first Sunday.  My story of Art and Dorothy getting lost in the big city was a fun first sermon.  (You can listen on-line at the website--click on worship and sermons.  It was June 10th.
  • My first session meeting was enjoyable and we were even done by 9pm.  A highlight of the meeting was renewing the parish associate relationship we have with the Rev. Charles Barton.
  • Terry Flanagan and I have planned a couple worship services together.  I am really going to enjoy working with him.
  • I've found my way around Northern Westchester Hospital visiting members and families.
  • Elisabeth and I helped pack the Midnight Run lunch bags and served clients at the Food Pantry.
  • Now I need to stop writing and go to a meeting of our amazing Social Justice Team.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012