Monday, December 16, 2013

Now it Feels Like Christmas!

Sunday we had our annual Christmas Pageant, and what a wonderful day it was.  The weather threatened to undo all our best-laid plans.  After an epic snowfall on Saturday it turned to icy rain overnight.  The parking lot and sidewalks were a skating rink at 7 am.  But a heroic effort from our man Donald, who even brought a friend to help, the sidewalks were cleared and the snowplow came through one more time to scrape off the ice.
Before they were even done, the cars started arriving to drop off excited children who would become sheep, and angels and contestants and singers!  Denise Schutz and her team herded the sheep into the room where they put on their costumes and got ready for the big event.  I was rushing around trying to stay calm so I could calm the nerves of others.  But I must admit I was nervous, especially about our big surprise.

The surprise was that one of the children in the pageant was going to call a friend for help on a trivia question, like they used to do on the "Millionaire" show.  When Steve Bauer asked Tess Fuqua (whose name was Sarah for the pageant) who she wanted to call, she said, "Our neighbor and good friend, Governor Andrew Cuomo.  Steve said, "Sure, we'll call the Governor" faking disbelief.  But he was as nervous as anyone because he was going to make the call connect. Little did we all know, but the Governor had called in from his car in Buffalo, NY.  We were all holding our breath, hoping that his voice would be heard.  There were a few misplaced beeps of the prop phone, but then we heard it, "This is Andrew Cuomo."  Everyone gasped and then applauded.  His answer to the trivia question was the gospel of Luke (where the birth story is told).  Then he went off script and extended a special greeting to his neighbors at PCMK!

It was quite a thrill, but when he hung up the show went on.  The kids told the story of the birth of the savior with joy.  At the end of the service the Governor's staff member came forward and received our appreciation.  She said that when the Governor learned he would be out of town he said, "I really want to be in that pageant, so make it work."  So we did.

It was a wonderful day that will not soon be forgotten.  But there are more Christmas memories to be made--Lessons and Carols, Saturday at 8, The Fourth Sunday of Advent at 10 am, and the Christmas Eve candlelight services at 5 and 10 pm.

See you in church
Pastor Dale

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