"Seeking light for the journey, we come together to worship God, nurture faith, pursue social justice and share love, in the name of Jesus Christ."
I had nothing to do with the writing of this statement, in fact it was part of what attracted us to PCMK. The credit goes to the team that worked on this a few years ago, two of whom were at Saturday's meeting--Ron Pence and Ken Murakami.
After Saturday's training we held our ordination/installation and commissioning service in worship on Sunday. It is always impressive when all the other ordained elders and deacons come forward to lay on hands as we pray for those being ordained for the first time. It was quite a crowd. As Charles Barton noted, "A sign of a healthy church."
But we could always get healthier, so let's all go to spring training together. No, I don't mean Florida, I mean let's focus on the remaining weeks of Lent. After all, the work "lent" really means "spring."
See you in church (spring training camp).
Pastor Dale